NO this is not another article regarding fox hunting, but the way Peter Fox has been singled out for blame regarding the one point loss to Featherstone Rovers on Sunday he might be feeling like a hunted animal.

The match-winning try missed by Peter was actually a dipping pass ruled forward by the referee, not a straight walk-in as stated.

I would like to single out John Smith for his constant high work rate and level of performance, especially out-sprinting a Featherstone attacker over 20 metres to ground the ball, saving what would have been a decisive try.

This game was a thriller to watch and I can't wait for the return game this Sunday. If the score is as close next time could I suggest that to give the team direction and to keep the players calm under pressure we could bring Lee Jackson off the bench? That way we might set up a better drop goal attempt or keep the opposition from going the length of the pitch to score in the closing minute.

Ann Wright,

Ashley Park Crescent,

Stockton Lane, York.

Updated: 09:05 Saturday, March 05, 2005