DRIFFIELD reversed the east Yorkshire derby bragging rights after stealing a 16-14 win at Malton and Norton to take the Powergen Northern Division North Two East points.

Malton started the stronger and exerted pressure on the Driffield defence from the off. Penalties were conceded by Driffield - for holding after a tackle and handling in a ruck - and Ian Cooke converted both to ease Malton into an early lead.

Driffield then gathered themselves together and took play into the Malton 22 and, winning their own line-out ball, set up a rolling maul which once moving was unstoppable legally.

Flanker Karl Wood was adjudged to be the man at the bottom of the pile as it crossed the line for a try. Scrum half Tim Foster converted with the assistance of the upright to put Driffield into the lead with only 15 minutes gone.

When a set move at a scrum went wrong, Malton were penalised for obstruction and Foster added to his side's tally.

On the half hour a serious ankle injury to Malton prop forward James Machin caused a five minute stoppage during which both sides sought the haven of their dressing rooms.

On the resumption, Malton again took up the challenge and from a line-out close to the Driffield line, spread the ball across the field in an orthodox passing movement for right wing Tom Stephenson to score in the corner and nudge Malton into the lead once again.

Driffield fought back again and a fine break in midfield by left wing Alistair McLaren almost brought a try but last ditch tackling saved the day for Malton.

A further penalty from Cooke gave Malton the half time advantage 14-10.

Driffield drew first blood in the second period with a penalty from Foster as both sides battled for supremacy.

No quarter was given as the intensity increased and the physicality of the game became greater.

With the stiff breeze at their backs, Driffield were expected to dominate territory but an outstanding display from the Malton pack in which the back row were always prominent prevented Driffield from gaining much possession.

A series of minor injuries appeared to disrupt the Malton pattern, but still they hung on to dominate territorial advantage. The Driffield defence proved as effective as Malton's as they repelled the constant barrage and a further Foster penalty eased them into a two-point lead with minutes remaining.

Try as they did, Malton could not get the score to clinch the double as Driffield took the spoils.

The Malton back row of Andy Mitchell, Phil Ryan and James McKay, were the star performers, with Liam Vaughan and Carl Muscroft in the front row not far behind.

Updated: 10:56 Monday, March 07, 2005