FAR be it from me to deprive the indefatigable Derek M Martin of another chance to call me a communist (Letters, 3 March).

But I must pick up on a point of fact: council staff don't get an allowance for driving to work. Mileage is only paid when staff are driving as part of their job, as in any business.

As for fair pensions for all being 'twaddle', all we can say is a lot of people seem to believe in this twaddle: the TUC and trade unions representing public and private sector workers, the National Pensioners' Convention and most of the public in poll after poll.

But perhaps Mr Martin knows better than any of us. Pensions for all equals communism? Reminds me of that old song: "F stands for freedom, what Britain brags about. If you can't afford your dinner, you're free to go without!"

Ben Drake,

York City UNISON,

Swinegate Court East, York.

Updated: 09:28 Monday, March 07, 2005