ONCE again Mr Evely has regaled us with his strange remarks ('Rising anger over bollard', March 2).

It seems Hopgrove Lane South cannot have a bollard, even if residents wanted one, because the road is part of the highway network.

On the other hand Straylands Grove is threatened with a bollard against the wishes of most residents and many hundreds of motorists who need this route.

Isn't this road also a part of the city's highway network? It is certainly an important link road without which Hopgrove Lane and the Heworth Green roundabout would have to be used more.

So it is very strange to maintain, as Peter Evely does, that the extra traffic using Hopgrove Lane would not be significantly increased.

What other route is open to those wishing to drive from Stockton Lane and all the surrounding area to Monks Cross or Huntington and vice versa?

Jean Frost,

Elmpark Way, York.

Updated: 09:27 Monday, March 07, 2005