The Duke of York diverted from his York itinerary to formally open a new £3 million purpose-built document management archive which serves clients all over York, North and East Yorkshire.

Prince Andrew visited Magnum Services last Thursday to launch its new archive and conversion facility at a new site in Goole.

He learned that the organisation already provides document management and secure storage, for a wide range of NHS and local government clients, as well as legal and other private sector organisations, across the country.

The premises, manned by 60 people, offer one of the most advanced off-site storage facilities in the UK, with the capability to receive, scan, store and retrieve documents under one roof, in a controlled and secure environment.

Steve Ewen, Magnum Services' managing director, said: "We have a fleet of vehicles ferrying information between our clients in the York area and the new premises on a daily basis, so the investment can only be good news for them.

"It has been extremely exciting seeing our plans coming to fruition and to have the Duke of York opening the new premises for us was the icing on the cake."

Updated: 10:33 Monday, March 07, 2005