A ROYAL Ascot action plan to combat a traffic nightmare in York during the race meet in June was being unveiled today.

City of York Council was giving an overview of the proposals before the plans are discussed by the authority's executive on March 15.

Bill Woolley, the council's acting environment boss, and Peter Evely, head of network management, were talking through the procedures, which will be used during the five days of the race meeting from June 14 to 18.

One of those measures, as revealed in last week's Evening Press, was to open Terry Avenue to taxis for the festival.

Cabbies are now keeping their fingers crossed that councillors will agree to the measures next week, which would help avoid a taxi snarl- up. The proposal was discussed during a meeting between the council and taxi drivers.

It is also hoped the plan will help slash journey times from York Station, and benefit those taxis travelling to Knavesmire from the city centre.

Updated: 10:00 Monday, March 07, 2005