A MULTI-MILLION pound appeal has been launched in York to help cover the nursing costs of treating terminal cancer patients at home.

Marie Curie Cancer Care fundraisers in the city have got their 2005 Great Daffodil Appeal well under way, and have joined the nationwide charity effort to raise £3 million for the charity.

The Yellow Pages-backed appeal is gaining momentum as supporters hit the streets with collections boxes, organise events and sell daffodils to boost the charity's coffers.

Community fundraising manager Louise Bamford said: "We love this time of year. We get so much support from local people and we all love the fact that daffodils bring such fun and cheer on to the street.

"There is, of course, a serious message behind all the fundraising.

"Every donation given in exchange for a daffodil will help the charity nurse people with terminal cancer at home."

To support the charity, phone Louise or the fundraising team on 01904 621000, or email louise.bamford@mariecurie.org.uk

Updated: 10:24 Monday, March 07, 2005