THEY smashed through his door and "ransacked" his property in an early morning drugs bust.

Now John Daniel says he wants to take action against the police officers who raided his York home searching for cocaine.

The 61-year-old man, who suffers from crippling arthritis and diabetes, says he was stunned when police crashed through his door in Hewley Avenue, Tang Hall, at about 7.45am on Saturday.

A warrant allowed the police to search for the class A drug. But Mr Daniel, who lives on his own in the council flat, said he can hardly afford the cash for a packet of cigarettes, never mind hard drugs.

His ordeal ended after two hours when officers left his house without finding any drugs in his property.

Today, Mr Daniel said he was to complain to the Police Complaints Commission (PCC) after he claimed the officers threw around his belongings and left his home, which he has lived in for six years, in "a complete mess".

"I was in bed. I was fast asleep. I had taken a sleeping pill because of my arthritis," he said. "They crashed through and I woke up with a start.

"Two police officers rushed into the bedroom and they told me to stay where I was. Then they told me to get out of bed and sat me in a chair. They kept me there for two hours."

Mr Daniel said the incident had left him feeling very "anti-police". "I want to know why they would come into my house looking for cocaine," he said.

"They have left my home in a right state. They have trashed it. I don't take drugs and I am not a drug dealer.

"Does this mean they can just go wherever they (the police) want? No further action is being taken against me, but I am going to take action against the police through the PCC.

"I have started to make a complaint and I want an apology. This was more than just a bit of a shock. I am really angry about it. They have to tell me what they want or leave me alone."

A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "If this gentleman feels he has a complaint, his first step is to take it to North Yorkshire Police who will investigate thoroughly."

Updated: 10:54 Thursday, March 17, 2005