WHAT is Mrs Heather Causnett's problem with modern women?

Every letter I have ever read of hers seems to imply the whole female population is degenerate, immoral and out to corrupt unsuspecting males with whom they come into contact.

She states women have changed (March 15), well, yes, they have changed and for the better.

For centuries women have been treated as second class citizens, as the property of men and without rights.

It is only relatively recently we have attained any semblance of equality with men.

We are no longer tied to the home if we do not wish to be; women are able to contribute to the economy. We now have the luxury of choice.

Mrs Causnett needs to re-evaluate her misogynistic opinions. They are outdated and offensive.

We live in the 21st century, not the Dark Ages.

She should look at the positive things achieved in recent times by, and for, women and not be so gullible by believing all young, modern women are lager-swilling sexual predators asking for trouble, as is often portrayed by the media.

M Stevens,

Lincoln Street,

Leeman Road, York.

Updated: 09:29 Friday, March 18, 2005