HOW many other people in York apart from me fail to understand why we don't make full use of the university and buildings we already have.?

Use what we've got to it's full potential, rather than take further farm land, green spaces, and costly, controversial new extensions, with the extra cost of public inquiries ('University campus plan gets go-ahead', March 17).

As I understand it, the university is only used for just over six months. So why not run other courses during what is now holiday time and use the university for 12 months a year, with a smaller expansion?

The present students have nearly four months' holidays in the summer and are now away for five weeks during Easter.

I know it would take some organising to run throughout the year but it would be more cost effective, for students and the people and businesses of the city.

We wouldn't have double the number of students putting pressure on traffic, the environment, parking, entertainment etc, then no students for the rest of the year, and it would keep everybody happy.

Mrs V Hird,

Nunthorpe Crescent, York.

Updated: 10:44 Saturday, March 19, 2005