CHARITY bosses facing a funding crisis have applied for council cash to give them much-needed breathing space.

But the Older Citizen's Advocacy York (OCAY), which offers support and advice to older people in the city, is expecting to receive only a fraction of its £16,000 funding request at best. At worst it could receive nothing at all.

The charity, based in Townend Street, The Groves, missed out on continued Lottery funding earlier this year and is expected to fold in September unless significant funding can be secured.

It has now applied to City of York Council's Voluntary Sector Funding Budget for £16,000 as a contribution to its core costs. It has also applied to two Neighbourhood Committees for a total of £6,000 to fund outreach work.

The £16,000 request will be discussed by executive leader Councillor Steve Galloway at a meeting with his advisory panel Tomorrow.

But Linda Tester, of OCAY, said that the most they could hope for is just under £2,000, enough money to help, but not solve any problems.

She said: "No decision has been made, but I have heard that the grand total of £1,900 is left in the kitty and there are three organisations including OCAY that have submitted bids.

"We are clearly not going to get our £16,000. The best-case scenario is that they give us the full £1,900. The worst case is that we get nothing. "We do have other bids pending so whatever happens we will still be looking for significant amounts of funding. If we carry on as we are without any more funding, then September will be the end of the line, but I remain confident that we will survive."

Council report author Sue Poole said officers have recommended that most of the £256,000 budget be allocated to existing funding recipients, with about £1,000 left over for new applicants.

She said: "If members agree to fund organisations that have already been funded, that does leave just £1,000 in our budget.

"It has been left open for members to consider what to do with the remaining funds.

However, they can consider our other recommendations and do something completely different."

The meeting takes place at The Guildhall, York, at 5pm, on Tuesday.

Updated: 10:20 Monday, March 21, 2005