IN response to June Nelsey's letter, as a local resident I want to live next to a successful rather than a failing racecourse and I accept that this means putting up with some inconvenience on race days including Ascot.

What I object to is being invited by the council to a Micklegate forum to hear about the details of the council's plan when no definitive plan is available and some key details, such as opening up Terry Avenue to taxis, are left out.

The risks to pedestrians and cyclists far outweigh the short-term boost to the taxi drivers income, who on non-race days are often quick to moan about accepting any fares to the South Bank area.

I find it unbelievable that this plan was not know by officers at the time of the meeting.

John Hocking,

Albemarle Road,


Updated: 10:28 Monday, March 21, 2005