Stephen Lewis' feature 'It's a big first step' (March 15) begins by stating "it's not easy for a young couple" to buy their first home, and repeatedly gives the impression that only couples can or should aspire to home ownership.

If it's difficult for couples, Mr Lewis might spare a thought for us singles!

Despite earning significantly above the national average wage I could not afford to buy even a studio flat anywhere near the city centre.

Your reporter is not alone in regarding singles as second class citizens, though: earlier this week Gordon Brown handed a range of bribes to pensioners, families with children and those who already own homes.

Why does Labour and your reporter hate single, childless professionals so much? We're not contributing to the global overpopulation crisis by having children and we won't be a burden on society and the taxpayer (through the social security and legal systems) when our marriages or relationships break up, as most invariably do.

We contribute a higher proportion of our spending power in taxes and get a lower proportion of it back through the public services we use than any other group in society. We are also in the best position possible to up sticks and take our economic productivity to a country where homes are affordable and the tax regime isn't as punitive as it is here - something Mr Brown would do well to think about.

Leo Enticknap,

Ingram House,



Updated: 10:27 Monday, March 21, 2005