Companies throughout York and North Yorkshire are being urged to "go green".

The 700-member York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce wants businesses, no matter how small, to contribute to the Kyoto Treaty, which commits 141 countries, including the UK, to cut greenhouse gases by 5.2 per cent by 2012.

Anne-Marie Daniel, the chamber's customer care manager, said: "Around one half of the UK's carbon emissions come from business.

"Even a small office can emit three to five tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.

"The Carbon Trust estimates that Britain's small and medium-sized enterprises are collectively throwing away a total of £1 billion per year in wasted energy, which reveals there is a clear need for every company to do something.

"Simply by turning off machines when they are not in use and controlling lighting and heating, any business can start to cut its costs and help combat climate change."

As part of its Chamber Utilities service, member businesses with an energy spend of more than £50,000 per year can access free Carbon Trust-funded energy efficiency surveys and access interest-free loans to help offset the cost of energy saving measures.

Companies taking advantage of the Chamber Utilities energy efficiency service are typically saving about one- fifth of their energy bill through introducing simple energy efficiency measures.

Updated: 11:31 Tuesday, March 22, 2005