A NEW group is to be set up to tackle drug and alcohol abuse among children ('Stepping up the fight on drugs', March 17).

Most youngsters abuse drugs and alcohol because they are bored or for kicks and don't realise it until they are addicted.

I suggest a school trip for eight year olds and upwards to see at first hand how drug abusers end up living.

Take them on the street where the abusers are crashed out in doorways, or begging for coppers while becoming aggressive with everyone. Show them the visitors who have been attacked and beaten for a small amount of cash just to fuel the druggies' cravings.

Finally, take them to rehabilitation hostels and let them see what they could go through if they want to get clean and let them know the only real cure is within themselves - it is willpower and the ability to say no!

PJ Markwick,

Forge Close,

Jockey Lane, York.

Updated: 09:40 Tuesday, March 22, 2005