I WOULD like to congratulate Charlotte Percival on the excellent article about prostate cancer on Monday (Fighting male cancer killer, March 21).

Additional professional help can be obtained through the Prostate Cancer Charity helpline on 0845 300 8383. This week is prostate cancer awareness week which is promoted by the Prostate Cancer Charity.

I would also like to thank Mike Stower and the staff at York District Hospital for diagnosing my cancer in 1996 and the help they have given since.

The York group meets at the hospital on Monday evening from 6pm to 7.30pm. The next bimonthly meeting will be on May 23, at 6pm, in the Postgraduate Common Room on the 5th floor.

Bryan Metcalf,

Garth Lane,

Hambleton, Selby

Updated: 11:26 Wednesday, March 23, 2005