I AM often disappointed when travelling around the country to find our national flag being flown upside down.

Surely if individuals wish to fly the flag (normally for commercial reasons rather than national pride) they should have the courtesy of checking how to fly it correctly.

I have the dubious pleasure of travelling north on the A19 daily, passing a mobile caf near the Helperby Bridge turnoff. The owner has knowingly chosen to fly the Union flag upside down for over a year. I say knowingly; as when I politely informed her some months ago she and her partner gleefully told me that lots of people tell them. It so remains to this day.

Yesterday, while at Monks Cross, York, I noted a car dealer flying the flag upside down. Having politely informed the dealer about the error, I was disappointed to pass an hour later to find the flag still being incorrectly flown. I wonder whether they would be allowed to show such disrespect in the USA. I think not. Am I the only one who believes that national pride is dying - or indeed may now be dead?

RJ Duffy,

Lanshaw Croft,

Clifton Moor, York.

Updated: 11:24 Wednesday, March 23, 2005