MOTOR retailer smart of York has been awarded a potential £1 million fleet contract by Springfield HomeCare - a subsidiary of Springfield Healthcare Group.

With more than 30 distinctive smart "fourtwos" already delivered, it is anticipated that more than 150 cars will be in service within the next 12 months.

DaimlerChrysler Services Fleet Management (DCSFM) also played a key role in securing the contract which could become the largest fleet of smart cars in the UK. In addition to supplying the cars, smart of York and DCSFM are providing a complete fleet management service including insurance, finance and servicing. Care staff working for the Leeds-based Springfield HomeCare are now using the cars for visiting elderly residents throughout the city as part of a contract with Leeds City Council to provide home care services. Mark Tomlinson, group operations manager at smart of York, within the Mercedes-Benz dealership on Clifton Moor, said: "The smart is increasingly accepted as an excellent choice for city driving.

Updated: 11:45 Tuesday, March 29, 2005