YOUR article stated that 357 people objected to the proposed bollard (April 1): In fact, because some of the letters carried more than one name, the 357 letters represented the views of 585 people-plus - Heworth Parish Council, Heworth Rugby League Club, York Hockey Club and York Cricket Club.

To be fair there were also 21 letters representing 29 people who were in favour.

One of the possible changes to the order is to have the bollard operate during rush hours. This, it is claimed, will cost £21,000 on top of the £60,000 cost of the bollard.

When are the "rush hours"? Today at 5.30pm there was a very slow moving line of traffic stretching from the Heworth roundabout to about 50 yards short of the traffic lights at the New Lane junction.

I waited for several minutes in Woodlands Grove to see if there was any sign of traffic tailing back from the Stockton Lane or Malton Road junction. I never saw more than three cars at a time going towards Stockton Lane and only one going towards Malton Road.

L Mackenzie,

Elmpark View,


Updated: 09:37 Monday, April 04, 2005