I AGREE wholeheartedly with T Scaife (Letters, March 29) and would like to add further examples of New Labour's deceit.

According to Gordon Brown the British economy is in better shape than it has been for over 40 years. But Government spending is well in excess of Gordon Brown's so-called "golden rule" - hence the ever-increasing tax burden and warnings from the International Monetary Fund.

The excess isn't actually counted as spending - it is called investment and projects falling under this heading continue to rise in number to enable Gordon Brown to perpetuate the myth that "spending" is under control.

This may create a "feelgood factor" for a while but eventually the debts have to be repaid.

Watch taxes rise again after the forthcoming general election. The current unemployment rate according to New Labour is around four per cent.

The real rate is around 21 per cent. The difference is that under New Labour the out-of-work over 55s and those on incapacity benefit are no longer counted as unemployed - they are "economically inactive" and not included in the figures.

New Labour are determined to take Britain into the Euro despite the fact that it clearly hasn't worked.

Tony Taylor,




Updated: 09:36 Monday, April 04, 2005