AS a director of the company that has recently taken over The Bedroom on Micklegate I am shocked at your paper's complete contempt for our business ethic ('Ugly side of bar bingeing', Comment, April 13).

Our first action after acquiring the site was to increase the prices of all the drinks on offer in the bar. We are well aware of the Micklegate Run, its long standing notoriety and historical reputation.

We are also fully aware of the council and police's special policy under the Licensing Act 2003.

"Binge drinking" is an endemic problem of our society. To accuse us of "choosing the location bang in the middle of Binge Boulevard" is to accuse us of targeting the binge drinking culture.

This would be highly irresponsible and goes totally against our business ethic.

We wish to break this "run" by providing a high quality entertainment leading venue where customers are encouraged to stay with us all evening rather than rush off to the next bar as they now do.

I am dismayed at your accusation regarding our "moral" standing in relation to employing young women.

Our staff are professional bar tenders who are also extremely competent dancers and singers.

They will be among the best bar tenders in the city and, without doubt, the highest paid.

You talk of York's reputation but you are quite happy to denigrate a new business, which has no wish to bring anything other than safety and fun to the city's night-time economy.

Andrew Billingham,

Parkland Drive, Tadcaster.

Updated: 09:28 Friday, April 22, 2005