AFTER completing a first class job of resurfacing our road I am extremely disappointed to see the replacement cycle lanes even narrower than they were before, even though I requested they be made wider.

They are now 32 inches wide (83cm) including the line, whereas before they were against 40 inches. I appreciate the road is barely 20 feet wide in places, but priority should be given to the safety of cyclists. We cannot now fit ourselves into the lane and traffic is brushing our elbows for half a mile each side.

With 13,000 vehicles a day on this road, a significant number do not give sufficient clearance to cyclists.

From Holly Tree Lane for a distance of 150 metres towards Haxby there were used to be full-width cycle lanes because the road was wide enough.

Now they are 83cm, a big mistake!

D M Findlay,

York Road,

Haxby, York.

Updated: 09:30 Monday, April 25, 2005