David Lyon asks why we should have a memorial only to Palestinian victims of violence ('Memorial poser', April 8).

The massacre at Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948 marked the beginning of the destruction of more than 400 Palestinian villages and the exile of more than 700,000 Palestinians.

More than half a century later many of the families of those people are still in refugee camps. Few people here have even heard of Deir Yassin, and the oppression of the Palestinian people continues.

If we are to learn from history and try to lay foundations for peace in the future it is important to try to acknowledge past wrongs on all sides.

We have all been taught the history of the Jewish people and there are many memorials to remind us of it.

However tragic that history we should not overlook the wrongs done by Israel to the Palestinians.

In UK reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict there is a balance to be redressed.

No one is asking anyone to condone violence or to ignore innocent victims of it on either side.

Carol Pearman

Windmill Lane,


Updated: 09:29 Monday, April 25, 2005