ARTIST Kerry Regan, Shepherd Construction's site administrator at the Defra laboratory project, near Weybridge, Surrey, has been invited to develop ideas to decorate the company's board room and social area in York.

The invitation came from Shepherd Construction's chief executive, Vaughan Burnand, who was impressed by four paintings she created for the laboratory project's reception and office areas.

Kerry has been working part-time for Shepherd for 18 months while also running her business "kzart".

She said: "I've had some really positive feedback about my paintings, which is fantastic. It's been great to be involved in the finishing touches of how the building will look and to know that my work will be viewed by many people on a daily basis".

Her clients to date include The Slug And Lettuce, Bar Ha Ha, Hair Europa, Bar abv and Surrey Golf and Fitness.

Updated: 11:22 Friday, April 29, 2005