I WRITE to correct misleading impressions which may have been gained from Ted Batty's letter ('John's my man', April 27). In this he suggests - as a "founder member of the Liberal Democrat Party" - electors should vote tactically in the General Election.

Your readers should be aware that Ted ceased to be a member of our party some years ago. In Labour's recent election leaflet, he admits he failed to vote for our candidate in the 2001 General Election. He left the party soon after.

Readers will no doubt draw their own conclusions about why Ted felt the need to write.

Liberal Democrats do not need reminding by an ex-member about the make-up of political parties or about our flawed voting system - we have put up with the latter for years.

Readers will remember it was Labour which let the nation down when it went back on the promises about fairer voting systems in its 1997 manifesto.

Only when Labour sees its huge majority disappearing will voting systems suddenly become important again. Then the Lib Dems may be able to play a positive part in government as we are doing now in Scotland.

Our message is: vote Lib Dem on May 5.

Ian Cuthbertson,

Liberal Democrat candidate, Selby,

Plainville Lane,

Wigginton, York.

Updated: 10:50 Friday, April 29, 2005