MR Gledhill is just wrong when he contends that the work to the railings on the Knavesmire has been done specially for Ascot, though he is right that this work should have been done years ago (Letters, May 2).

This work is the result of one of the promises we made before we came to power - that we would invest in improvements to parks and open spaces. We are making that investment but the backlog across the city will take time to deal with.

Work through York Pride goes on throughout the city continuously, not just for Ascot. In Lib Dem wards our councillors report back to residents month after month, year after year through our Focus newsletters.

The only part of my ward, Huntington and New Earswick, that racegoers will see is the ring road where dramatic improvements have been made over the past two years to the appearance of the roundabouts. Previously they were a disgrace.

Nothing to do with Ascot but another Lib Dem election promise that we have delivered.

Critics of the council, politically motivated or otherwise, will no doubt gleefully report any failings in the run up to Ascot. Genuine reports of problems are welcome and will be dealt with as speedily as possible; unfounded rumours and disinformation cause unnecessary anxiety.

But Mr Gledhill is right that a special effort is being made for Ascot. That is what most residents would expect.

Council workers, the police and many others have worked way beyond the call of duty to make Ascot a special occasion for the city. They all deserve support and co-operation.

Coun Keith Orrell,

Executive Member for Leisure & Heritage,

Trent Avenue,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 09:53 Friday, May 06, 2005