I WAS intrigued by the Evening Press's coverage of disabled access and pavement obstructions.

For a number of years I've watched with disgust at the way drivers show no consideration for ordinary people let alone the disabled - and now the council is joining them.

Around South Bank there are quite a few wheelchair users. What I saw one day prompted me to pick up my camera and get the proof needed. It was like being on an obstacle course.

If it wasn't cars and vans it was plastic refuse bins. Some vehicles are so far on to the pavement I reckon some drivers could step on to their property without touching it.

As I was walking around in some areas I had to sidle past vehicles because there was so little room, God help a wheelchair-user.

Once one has tried to overcome these vehicles there are the black plastic refuse bins.

Most householders leave them on the pavement. Is that the council directive, to make it easier for the disposal men to collect?

If I have got this wrong then why, when the bins have been emptied, are they strewn haphazardly on the pavement?

So much for council policy on supporting disability issues.

Kevin Horner,

Albemarle Road,


Updated: 09:52 Friday, May 06, 2005