SUNDAY'S concert by Shaman Voices at The Shed, Hovingham Village Hall could have sold out three times over, such has been the demand to see the Okna Tsahan Zam Quartet, Wimme Trio and Tanya Tagaq Gillis.

"Shaman Voices unites the raw power of three throat-singing traditions; from the ethereal beauty of Finnish yoik, and the gritty evocations of Mongolian Khoomei, to the elemental sound of throat-singing from the Arctic regions," says Shed svengali Simon Thackray.

"Sunday's performance features three extraordinary musicians whose interpretations retain the mythical spirituality of an ancient discipline, but filter it through their experiences of contemporary life and technology."

The 8pm concert takes the form of individual performances by each of the singers with their own bands and new collaborations between all three.

Okna Tsahan Zam, a Mongolian Shaman from the steppes of Central Asia, is a master of Monolo-Kalmuk Khoomei, whose throat-singing "murmurs, thunders, recreates the sounds of the steppe and improvises flights of throat".

Wimme is a modern interpreter of the Smi yoik, his voice spanning sweet falsetto to grainy baritone to the accompaniment of fuzzy synthesisers, strings, keyboards and animal samples.

Tanya Tagaq Gillis was raised in the remote Inuit town of Cambridge Bay and has gravitated towards the tradition of Inuit throat singing. Her ability to emulate the environment, such as the groaning of moving glaciers and the undulation of the sea, led to an invitation to sing on Bjork's latest album, Medulla.

For returned tickets only, ring 01653 668494.

Updated: 16:14 Thursday, May 05, 2005