YORK businesses are to be offered a free opportunity to improve their access for the disabled.

The one-day course is being offered in a bid to help upgrade premises across the city.

Last month, an Evening Press investigation revealed that dozens of York companies were still inaccessible to wheelchair users, six months after the final part of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) became law.

The Act says companies must take reasonable steps to make their building fully accessible, but many companies had taken little or no action since the law was introduced last October.

Disabled campaigner Lynn Jeffries, who went round York with the Evening Press, is now offering a free course, entitled Getting In On The Act, to help companies adapt to the law.

Lynn said: "Since the original story in the Evening Press, I have had several calls from disabled people bringing up problems they did not feel able to address, and I would like to make an open invitation to anyone who would like to visit a day course."

Lynn runs her own consultancy firm, and says training courses usually cost around £1,000 for a full company, but she has offered to waive the cost in a bid to encourage companies to come forward.

She said: "I just want to see things change. As soon as you get that light bulb on, you can get people to go away and do something about it."

The course will address all aspects of the DDA, including what constitutes disability, and improving access to goods, services and education, and ensuring equality in employment and property dealings.

Lynn said: "It's important to understand that, with very few exceptions, this Act applies to every employer and service provider, regardless of how many people they employ or indeed whether or not they charge for services. Also, it's not only about thinking about your current customers or employees. By law, you have to give some thought to what improvements you can make for potential employees and customers."

Lynn said adapting to the Act could improve companies' business.

Any businesses or members of the public interested in attending the course should phone Lynn, at JD Associates, on 01904 870781 or 07952 501894.

Updated: 11:02 Friday, May 06, 2005