SHOPPERS at a York charity shop could be forgiven for thinking they've stepped back in time.

The Oxfam store, in Goodramgate, has opened a specialist retro and vintage clothing section with stock from the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s.

There are also some unique designs which have been customised by fashion and arts students Laura Hull and Helen Watkinson from York College, who are pictured modelling some of the clothes.

The Goodramgate outlet is one of only five of Oxfam's chain of 75 shops chosen to sell the clothes called Oxfam Originals.

Shop manager Jonty Davies said: "Obviously we will be charging more for these clothes than the ordinary stock because these are original garments, but we won't be as expensive as some other vintage shops."

The line will be officially launched by Fame Academy runner-up Alistair Griffin on Wednesday.

Updated: 10:51 Friday, May 06, 2005