ONLY weeks before charity fundraiser Sally Hutchinson was due to abseil more than 100ft off the Humber Bridge she broke her thumb - while riding her bike in York.

Now "knight in shining armour" Paul Ramskill has stepped forward to take her place and raise vital funds for Age Concern York, where Sally is chief officer.

Paul, who works for City of York Council's sport and active leisure team, and Sally's colleague, Jenny Jarred, are preparing to take part in the event on May 15, which is organised by Age Concern England.

Sally underwent surgery on her hand following the fall from her bike last week, and she will be in a cast for six weeks.

She said: "I snapped my thumb. It was a clean break apparently. I had to have wires put in it and I was in hospital for a couple of days.

"I was sort of looking forward to the abseil, although I was dreading it a bit as well and was a bit scared. But it was only when Jenny came to see me in the hospital and somebody mentioned the abseil that I realised I wouldn't be able to do it. Paul Ramskill came like a knight in shining armour to step into my place. He's a very good friend of Age Concern York and he would have liked to do the abseil, but it was a bit late when he found out about it.

"As soon as it was obvious that I couldn't do it, I thought he could take my place, or take my rope. He jumped in to save the day, now he'll have to jump off the bridge."

Updated: 10:40 Friday, May 06, 2005