LAURENCE Cutting tells hidden stories in his new exhibition of collages at Lucius Gallery, Fossgate, York.

"I have been working with found objects and images since early childhood," says the Middleham artist. "Comics, cigarette cards, tin toys and objects found on the beach all combined into collage ideas when I was a student at Brighton and the Royal College of Art, and more recently my ideas are drawn from the cinema and literary themes."

The collages on show and for sale at Lucius form a narrative, usually in sets of threes. "Each piece contains all the elements of the whole, telling a hidden story, and I use original materials, layering and textures to give a depth of image inspired by the themes and materials used."

Laurence, 44, has taught at Brighton Polytechnic, Worthing College of Art, St Martin's School of Art, Manchester Polytechnic and Harrogate College, and his work is in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Arts Council of Great Britain and the University of Texas, Austin.

Lucius's next show, Graham Stewart's Recognising The Pattern, will run from May 17 to 28. His latest work marks a return to his first love, prompted by advances in photography and Giclee printing. "I'm delving into the endless possibilities offered by modern photographic and printing techniques," he says. "Photography is already accepted as Fine Art in Europe and America, where it commands the same respect as traditional mediums.

"I believe that England is now undergoing a sea change in its 'traditional outlook', meaning that pioneering work such as this may soon be very much in demand."

The starting point of all his pieces is nature, be it "the elusive surface of water, the eternal nature of rock or trees", and his artwork in Lucius will be signed, limited-edition Giclee prints.

Lucius is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm, complemented by private viewings on request on 01904 640111.

Updated: 16:28 Thursday, May 05, 2005