COUN Mark Hill's letter about Lindis Percy, who is to be tagged and put under curfew (May 21) deserves applause.

This elderly woman's "crime" is peaceful, non-violent protest at Menwith Hill. This and other American bases in Britain are signs of our tutelage to Washington, far closer than the so-called subservience to Europe, which looks miniscule in comparison.

We all know about the many UK/American wars. Less clearly realised is the operation of the military-industrial complex in the USA and, to a lesser extent, here which is driven by profits.

Less well known are episodes such as our surrender to the US for a military base of the island of Diego Garcia, out of which we threw the native inhabitants, gassing their pets, dumping them in poor accommodation in Mauritius and all done behind the backs of the Commons by Orders in Council.

The whole arms business has made top politicians, of both main parties, increasingly callous and insensitive.

Compared with this catalogue of wrongs, the "crimes" of Lindis Percy resemble the actions of a secular saint, who has given herself for us, for a world in which controlled international disarmament may once again be considered.

Roy Stevens,

Willow Bank,

New Earswick, York.

Updated: 12:07 Thursday, May 26, 2005