THANK you for giving such a striking headline, 'Nuns to march to Parliament' (May 18) and for accurate reporting by Marek Handzel.

In these times of so much wealth in our own and other countries, compared with so much squalor, poverty, sickness and exploitation in poor countries, it was good to know you were prepared to allocate generous space to the report on our lobby of Parliament.

You had that priority - often lacking in the media and among politicians.

You may like to know that our lobby went well - as did the presentations on the Third World and the concluding service. Our MP was as good as his word - meeting us promptly and giving one and a half hours of his time answering questions on debt relief, trade issues - and the sometimes complex parliamentary procedures which have to be followed.

Sisters Margaret Mary and the Sisters of Mercy,

Convent of Mercy,

Lawrence Street, York.

Updated: 09:41 Friday, May 27, 2005