I SEE Anne McIntosh, Tory MP for the Vale of York, has jumped on the anti-gun bandwagon (May 25).

She proposes that airguns which shoot round metal pellets should be banned.

Such guns are already governed by the laws relating to airguns and, in the eyes of the law, are considered firearms.

Serious misuse of these guns can result in being jailed for life.

So what more does she want, burning at the stake, hanging, drawing and quartering?

The MP says one person has been injured in the stomach with a ball bearing from one of these guns.

While working on airguns, I have shot myself a number of times and, while annoying, it has never resulted in anything more than a small bruise.

Jeremy D Fox,

Malton Avenue, York.

Updated: 09:40 Friday, May 27, 2005