WORK INC has moved in to the Kennels.

The interior office furnishers, which had a small 2,000 sq ft office in Harewood Yard on the Harewood estate near Harrogate, has moved 100 yards northwards to take over the remodelled Kennels.

The 4,500 sq ft building was once the kennels for the foxhounds of the Bramham Moor Hunt, but the hounds left the time of the third earl in 1820.

Craig Eastwood, chief executive of Work Inc, said: "Our company is dedicated to improving the workplace for clients, and therefore it is important that we practise what we preach and provide our own employees with an inspirational work environment."

The Kennels are part of a range of converted listed farm buildings, totalling 35,000 sq ft which have been converted over the past ten years and now housie 12 firms.

But Christopher Ussher, resident agent at Harewood, today revealed plans to develop another 15,000 square ft of traditional buildings on the estate designed by the 18th century York architect John Carr who was responsible for Harewood House itself.

These include the former blacksmith's shop and the old laundry, both of which will be completed within the next two years.

"It will be a multimillion investment and underlines the confidence we have in future demand for commercial property."

Updated: 10:51 Tuesday, June 14, 2005