IS it right in 2005 that a child from the age of five to 11 years old is made to sit on a separate table at school just because their parents have packed them a cereal bar instead of a piece of fruit?

This happens at Skelton Primary School morning breaks.

Are we sowing the seeds of segregation, them and us, good and bad?

I fully endorse early education in healthy eating which is very important with obesity rising but, as a parent, I should have the choice and not be dictated to on what my child eats. And my child should not be victimised because of my actions.

This issue has rumbled on for a couple of months and after petitions, broken agreements, and too many humiliated crying children I would like to ask your readers, is this the right way to educate?

Name and address supplied.

Updated: 11:31 Thursday, June 16, 2005