I WAS thrilled to read that Certificate 18 was granted its late licence (June 28).

The residents of Gillygate have been overreacting. I have never seen even one bit of trouble at this venue, unlike in the city centre, but those living near the pub have lumped us into the same group as the binge-drinking trouble-makers found around Micklegate.

The alternative music scene is not violent (despite what people may think our music suggests), whereas dance and R'n'B music seems to fuel many a night-time punch up.

As for Certificate 18 giving nothing back to the community, the existence of another York music venue is a great benefit, especially in a city that has been previously dominated by just one other venue for the past ten years.

This is great, not only to see established bands coming to our city, but also for local musicians trying to make it big. It's hard in a city as small as this for bands and musicians to get started, especially with such a limited number of venues.

So, what with regular gigs, open mic evenings and a battle of the bands contest all coupled with a great atmosphere, Certificate 18 is giving many bands and artists great early experience, as well as perhaps their first shreds of confidence on their way to stardom.

With the licence finally granted, the local residents must be looking for other issues to take up.

Surely the amount of traffic problems there seem to be on Gillygate would be apt, as I'm sure this must be pretty noisy too.

D Bailey,

Fifth Avenue,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:03 Tuesday, July 05, 2005