I WAS moved by Coun Christian Vassie's letter ("Why councillors deserve parking perk", June 4).

The wage he receives for being a sounding block for the many gripes and criticisms of people who moan about those in power as a matter of principle is abysmal.

He certainly needs another job to keep his family reasonably comfortable.

What is wrong with giving an elected councillor a few perks, such as a much-needed car pass when the parking problems in York are horrendous?

He has my admiration and my sympathy.

What I cannot understand is why hard-working, community-minded people like him ever put themselves forward to do a job that is thankless, poorly rewarded and time-consuming.

Tony Blair was democratically elected for another term: since that election he has received little but verbal abuse and is even criticised if he has a holiday - something which most people take for granted.

He and his family live in a goldfish bowl, constantly sniped at and blamed for everything that is wrong with the country, yet never given credit for the many ways in which he fights at home and abroad for Britain.

Possibly Coun Vassie has hopes of rising higher in governmental ranks, and I wish him well.

He needs the skin of a rhinoceros, the patience of a saint and the constitution of an ox to make inroads in that much-maligned and under-valued calling.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 10:22 Thursday, July 07, 2005