On their return to York soil, The Bogus Brothers are a totally Yorkshire band once more, following the departure of Irishman Owen Twomey.

The Bogus boys play a home-city gig at McMillans in Rougier Street on July 19, when York fans of the constantly touring soul-revue combo have their first chance to see Twomey's replacement, Martin 'Slej' Ledger.

"Owen, who's from Cork, left the band last December, and we looked locally for a replacement and found Martin, a multi-talented musician. He's taken to the bass guitar like a duck to water," says Paul Barker, from the Bogus office in York.

"He's returned the Bogus Brothers to a personnel of Yorkshiremen, and so far he's toured 13 different countries, learned the phrase 'Can I have a beer?' in four languages and played bass to such luminaries as Queen's Roger Taylor and Mike Rutherford of Genesis. Not bad for seven months' work!"

On July 19, doors open at 7pm; the band will be on at 9pm. Tickets: £6 on 01904 625438.

Updated: 08:49 Friday, July 08, 2005