Introducing... the George Piper Dances, presenting the Ballet Boyz in Naked at the Grand Opera House, York.

2005 marks the 20th anniversary of the dance friendship of Michael Nunn and William Trevitt, aka the Ballet Boyz, directors of the George Piper Dances. Embarking on a new phase of choreographic collaboration with Russell Maliphant, they have created and directed Naked, an exploration of love, betrayal and revenge in a story of six characters, forever linked by a moment of irresistible desire that leads to fury and retribution. CHARLES HUTCHINSON talks to just William.

Naked! Now there's a title to catch the eye.

"That's part of the reason we chose it, but we also had this idea of a story about a couple at a catastrophic moment in their relationship: a moment of infidelity that means that everything suddenly gets stripped away. Now everyone knows everything about their relationship and nothing is private any more.

"So it's Naked, not necessarily rude, but emotionally naked and stripped bare, and no longer in a comfort zone."

Does that notion of being naked apply equally to your choreography for this show?

"Previously we've had a mixed programme that allows you to say, 'If you don't like the first piece, there'll be another one coming along shortly', but Naked is just one piece, one style, one evening, and that's more audacious.

"Before, we had a system that worked well and seemed to be popular but we weren't interested in that any more. We're interested in telling a story, and that's very different for us as choreographers too."

What has been your working practice this time?

"With this show, we've come up with the story ourselves and edited it ourselves, starting in the studio in December, developing ideas over six weeks and then polishing it with the cast and musical director over five weeks.

"We've changed the music and the order from the previews and you'd be amazed how adding 30 seconds here or taking 30 seconds out there alters the pace."

Did you see the 20th anniversary of the Nunn-Trevitt partnership as a chance to stretch yourselves in fresh ways?

"It certainly feels like that. Having worked together for a long time, it was time to push ourselves again, to try something radical, stick with that, get bored again and move on to another daring challenge!

"The point for us is to entertain our audience, so we'd never do something new and worthy that no-one would want to see. That's what we think about, without saying we want fireworks: it's about being aware of what the audience wants and likes."

The excitement rests in the new, doesn't it?

"What makes it exciting for us is to see artists trying things; as dancers we welcome that. If your partner does something, you have to respond to it and come up with something and the performance is lifted by that. With classical ballet, your movement is either right or wrong, and if you're wrong, you've failed. With contemporary dance, there is no right or wrong."

Naked, George Piper Dances, Grand Opera House, York, Wednesday only (Tuesday's performance has been cancelled), 7.30pm. Box office: 0870 606 3595.

Updated: 09:17 Friday, July 08, 2005