WHATEVER happened to intelligent town planning and positive forward thinking?

The Peasholme Centre is a purpose-built facility only about 20-years-old and with a remaining lifespan of 100 or so.

To be tearing down such a specialist bespoke building after only two decades to make way for grandiose Council plans shows a lamentable lack of forethought on the part of the local authority.

Even more worrying is the announcement that the facility will be relocated in place of the Monk Bar Garage.

This is a much smaller site with mature trees overhanging single storey buildings tight up against the Bar Walls.

If any private developer applied to erect such a hostel on such a constricted site, he would be refused permission on grounds of over-development resulting in a detrimental impact on the Conservation Area.

This looks like being yet another manifestation of double standards by the council. As we have seen at the Barbican and elsewhere, when the Council wishes to carry out development then normal planning rules do not seem to apply!

Matthew Laverack, Chartered Architect, Lord Mayor's Walk, York.