"It's very urgent!" Each morning at the Citizens Advice Bureau in York, we listen to the recorded messages on the reception voicemail and note the details of clients wanting to make appointments.

It is a bit depressing to hear so many voices saying: "I need to make an appointment to see a debt counsellor. It's very urgent."

Without turning this into a lecture, debts tend to get urgent when they are not dealt with in good time.

"Easy for you to say," might be the response.

In fact, we do have a good idea of the strained budgets many of our clients are living with.

We try to help with that in a number of ways.

But we also see many clients who have stopped opening their letters because they know what is inside is too horrible to face.

I'm not saying the Bureau advisers will sit and open your envelopes for you - although that has happened.

But if you come to see us at the point when your money repayments are getting out of hand, instead of when they've got so bad you can't face them at all, then we can help save you lots of anxiety.

Then you won't be calling us to say "it's really very urgent".

There's been a lot in the news lately about the problems of debt.

We have been on the radio ourselves, giving out the message that debt may be okay, as long as you can keep up the repayments.

Problems occur if your own circumstances change.

You may become ill, lose your partner - or your job. That's when you may not be able to keep up repayments.

Often, it can help if you learn the finer points of budgeting, and making sure you get all the income you're entitled to.

We run money management classes at the Bureau.

Do you think this will be like going back to school? Well, it isn't.

It's very practical with all sorts of hints to pick up.

You won't get shown up in front of the class, and you can come along with your friends, too.

If you are interested in attending, phone us on 01904 623648.