A HUGE moorland blaze between Whitby and Scarborough has seen 100 firefighters brought in to bring the flames under control.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (NYFRS) said that at its most fierce, the fire covered about 300,000 square metres with officers confronted by a 25 metre front.

The call came in at 11.46am on Sunday and saw 14 fire engines along with specialist support vehicles converge on Fylingdales Moor near Robin Hood’s Bay. The fire was eventually brought under control at 4.30pm though officers are due to return to the scene on Monday for investigations.

A spokesman for the fire service said: “Specialist 4x4 and all-terrain vehicles from around the county were mobilised to the fire and local landowners have been helping to tackle the fire with tractors and slurry tankers being used to relay water to the fire.

“Firefighters have also been using beaters and water jets which has proved very arduous on rough terrain and in high winds.”

“Whilst the cause of this blaze is still under investigation, NYFRS is appealing to all landowners to exercise extreme caution whilst burning heather at this time of year, especially if winds are high or forecasted”.