How much longer will it be, before York council comes to the aid of its residents in this prolonged icy weather?

I agree with Derek M Martin (Letters, January 2). There must be plenty of people who can assist the council workers. The area which affects me is Bootham, Burton Stone Lane and all the surrounding side roads.

The pavements are horrendous, so I end up walking on the road dodging the traffic (even when I am walking facing the oncoming traffic). Some side roads are dangerous too, due to the ice. I am sure there are many other areas with the same problems.

I am very concerned for all pedestrians especially pregnant women. Come on York council, let’s see more attention to gritting on side roads and pavements, in districts, not in the city centre. We have all been told this is an exceptionally prolonged cold spell. We are enduring, so let us all have extra help to make it safer to get around.

Sandra Metcalfe, Cromer Street, York.