There was a major shock in the York Badminton League when Clifton ‘A’ beat hosts York RI ‘A’ 5-4 in mixed division one.

Erik Wagenaars and Gill McIntosh swung the match with a 21-14, 22-20 win over Sam Gardner and Nicola Coggins.

That came after Kate Jackson and Mark Harris had taken three Institute wins for a 174-142 scoreline.

Clifton ‘A’ now look favourites to take the mixed one title after years of Institute domination.

RI Tuesday/Thursday ‘A’ continued their good start in mixed two with a 7-2 home win over Rowntrees.

David Preece struck up a good partnership with Susie Maddison to take the match honours after a three-rubber haul of 126-87.

University Student ‘B’ continued their domination of mixed three with a 9-0 win over their ‘C’ team club-mates.

Baillie Watterson and Claire Breare were the pick of the pairings once again with three straight wins for a 126-72 score.

Huntington ‘A’ visited Varsity in mixed three and were good value for a 9-0 win.

Mark Barker and Carolyn Arden combined well to take the best match return of three straight wins for a total of 126-90.

Clifton ‘B’ had mixed fortunes in ladies one when they lost out 9-0 to their ‘A’ team club-mates, but then rallied to beat RI Monday/Wednesday ‘B’ 5-4.

Heather Clarke and Karen Anderson top-scored for the Clifton ‘A’ team with three victories for 127-82, while Ronnie Davison and Melanie Knowles sealed the win over the Institute with a 12-21, 21-15, 21-16 over Margaret Sinclair and H Greetham.

Tadcaster ’86 entertained Huntington in ladies two and went down 5-4. Lorraine Gregory and Jo Maule made the difference for the visitors with a great display that saw them take three straight wins for 127-96.