PLANS for a food store which could eventually replace the old Edmund Wilson Swimming Pool building in Acomb have been submitted to City of York Council.

German retail giants Lidl have revealed detailed plans of what they hope to build on the Thanet Road site following the demolition of the swimming baths.

Between 20 and 25 full and part-time jobs are expected to be created if the plans are approved, and Lidl estimates that annual turnover at the new store will be about £3.38 million.

Responses gathered at a public consultation held last year in Foxwood were also submitted to the council from Lidl in support of the scheme.

Comments from nearby residents included: “Very good, we need a good supermarket here as we have no shops near to Dringhouses. I don’t drive so I will definitely shop at your Lidl.

A resident of nearby Kingsway West said: “I think that Lidl will add a lot of competition with other shops like Morrisons and Tesco and hopefully offer the people of Acomb cheaper prices.”

However, other comments included concerns over HGV access to the site and one resident wrote: “Cars could be a problem and parking seems limited.”

One resident added: “I hope that the local farmers will benefit and be paid a fair price for their excellent products.”

Lidl said of its proposal: “The store is designed to service the local community of approximately 30,000 and function as a local alternative to larger supermarkets outside the catchment area.

“The retail offer is sufficiently different in nature to the Acomb town centre shops that Lidl is unlikely to compete with retailers of this type.

“The store will offer working opportunities to 20 to 25 local people.”

The company also pointed out that at 1,353 square metres, the store’s size was in line with other similar stores in the area.

City of York councillors will make their decision on March 19