A FOUR-year-old boy with a highly aggressive form of cancer has begun gruelling chemotherapy treatment while his parents engage in a desperate fundraising race against time.

Just days after spending Christmas with his family, young Jamie Inglis is still smiling despite facing weeks of quarantine in a German hospital, as his immune system is virtually destroyed by the intensive treatment to cure the rare neuroblastoma.

Jamie’s parents, Vicky and John Inglis, of Elvington, also face a desperate race against time to raise £250,000 by the end of February, to complete their son’s life-saving treatment in New York. Without the cutting-edge American medicine, it is likely Jamie’s cancer will return and doctors will be unable to treat him further.

The youngster has already undergone a seven-hour operation to remove a kidney, and a stomach tumour.

Speaking from Germany, where he is based with the Royal Medical Corps, Staff Sergeant Inglis thanked the people of Yorkshire for their donations to the fundraising effort, and said Jamie’s latest round of treatment had begun.

“The treatment makes children really vulnerable to infection and disease,” he said.

“He’s got energy and an appetite now, but will feel the bad effect in about a week and he cannot leave his room for a month. But he’s still smiling.”

SSgt Inglis said Jamie, and his baby sister, Poppy, had a happy Christmas with the family being together for seven days – the longest time together in nine months.

“For a 24-hour period we were able to forget he was ill,” he said.

“We are not ashamed to say he was spoiled, but now it’s back to real life. We have felt sorry for ourselves and asked why? But now it is time to be pragmatic.”

As Jamie and his parents face the coming weeks, the race to find the £250,000 he needs to complete his treatment becomes ever more urgent.

So far, the campaign has raised just over £61,000 and his parents are relying on the generosity of the public and the support of the 2Simple Trust, which fundraises on behalf of children with Neuroblastoma.

How you can help

YOU can help to get Jamie Inglis to America for the potentially life-saving treatment. Send a cheque to The 2Simple Trust, 3-4 Sentinel Square, Brent Street, London, NW4 2EL.

It is important that cheques are specifically made payable to The 2Simple Trust – Jamie Inglis Appeal.

Alternatively, make a donation directly to any Natwest branch, using the following account details: 2Simple Trust, Jamie Inglis,
Natwest Bank,
Hendon Branch
Account Number: 24150320
Sort Code: 50-30-05

Finally, online donations can be made at justgiving.com/jamie-appeal