A MAN’S time off from his multiple jobs nearly put him behind bars when he broke another man’s jaw in two places with a single punch, York Crown Court heard.

Matthew Mooney, 20, argued with Joshua Branfoot at the social club of Tadcaster Brewery.

He had had too much to drink and hit out in an unprovoked attack when the argument turned violent, the court heard. Mr Branfoot was taken to hospital and needed a plate inserting into his jaw. The men disagree over who started the violence.

“This was another example of where drunken violence leads,” said Judge Roger Ibbotson. “Whether there was a push or not, it was an unprovoked attack on Mr Branfoot. There was an argument previously, but he was entitled to assume it would not go any further than that.”

Suspending a prison sentence on Mooney, the judge told him: “You have come as close as one can to being sent away to custody.”

Mooney, of Ash Tree Walk, Tadcaster, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm and was given an eight-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, with a condition that he does 80 hours’ unpaid work.

York Crown Court heard Mooney had one main job and one, possibly two, part-time jobs, all of which the judge said he would have to fit round his court-ordered unpaid work. On June 12, Mooney was at the social club when an argument began between him and Mr Branfoot. According to solicitor advocate Richard Reed, speaking on behalf of Mooney, the violence began with Mr Branfoot pushing Mooney, who hit out in response. He only struck a single blow. But prosecution barrister Bashir Ahmed said there was no evidence of a push, and Mr Branfoot told police the violence began with Mooney lashing out.

The judge accepted Mooney had not intended to cause Mr Branfoot serious harm and that he had not used a weapon. Mooney had no previous convictions for violence.