KEEPING up to date with what’s happening in York and North and East Yorkshire just got even easier – wherever you are in the world.

As some online readers may have already noticed, The Press has taken another step in the digital revolution by setting up a dedicated group on the social networking site Facebook.

The group offers a range of services to complement our own site at You can discuss stories that have been in the paper; share your thoughts, ideas and tip-offs; contact our journalists; and get quick and easy links straight through to our top stories every day.

Since “going live” last week, the group has already attracted nearly 200 members, but we’re keen to see that figure grow.

Steve Hughes, managing editor of The Press, said: “Our internet audience is growing rapidly and using Facebook is just another way of giving our customers the news and information they want, when they want it no matter where they are.”

If you are registered with Facebook, visit the site and search for: the press york